Private Law
Dutch Private Law is concerned with the law dealing with relations between persons and/or businesses. This includes purchases, acquisitions and transactions (koop), sales or disposals (verkoop), marriage and divorce. Otter Rechtsbijstand can assist you with debt collection and, if necessary, begin debt collection proceedings in subdistrict court (kantongerecht).
Landlord and Tenant Law
Otter Rechtsbijstand is expert on landlord and tenant law, in particular with regard to living accommodation. In addition, Otter Rechtsbijstand is familiar with tenancy law regarding retail space and other business and commercial premises. Otter Rechtsbijstand can also advise you on legal issues related to loans.
Public Law
Dutch Public Law concerns all legal acts that can only be carried out by a governmental organisation or semipublic organisation. This relates to fines, permits, benefits and payments.
Social Security Law
The municipality, the Employment Insurance Agency (UWV: Uitvoerings-instituut Werknemersverzekeringen) and the Social Insurance Bank (SVB: Sociale Verzekeringsbank) provide benefits and social services such as social assistance benefit assistance under acts as the Participation Act (PW, former Work and Social Assistance Act), Unemployment Insurance Act (WW: Werkloosheidswet) and the General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW: Algemene Ouderdomswet). Objections can be raised and appeals made regarding decisions related to benefits and services. Otter Rechtsbijstand can assist you with these legal proceedings.
Education Law
Otter Rechtsbijstand is expert on Education Law. The Netherlands has institutions for public-authority education (openbaar onderwijs), and denominational and non-denominational private education (bijzonder onderwijs) which is based on religion or other philosophical beliefs. The difference between the various types of educational institutions is relevant to the required legal procedures. Student loans (studiefinanciering) for taking educational courses or following degree programmes are administered by the Education Executive Agency (DUO: Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs), formerly known as the Information Management Group (IBG or IB-Groep: Informatie Beheer Groep).
Objections can be raised and appeals made regarding decisions related to student loans. It is also possible to appeal for an injuctive relief. Otter Rechtsbijstand can assist you with these legal proceedings.